
Scholarships Search Zeep Medical Scholarship

Zeep Medical Scholarship

is the fastest growing medical recruitment company in Australia, specialising in locum and permanent doctor recruitment. Zeep have established this scholarship program with ÑÇÉ«Ó°¿â in line with their increasing corporate social responsibility goals. Zeep believe in empowering doctors to make the right career choices, from graduation through to retirement.

This scholarship is subject to the provisions of the ÑÇÉ«Ó°¿â Coursework Scholarships, Bursaries and Grants Policy

Student TypeCommencing Full Time Undergraduate
Area of Study

Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery

Total Value $8,000
Duration 1 Year
Applications CloseClosed

The Zeep Medical Scholarship is open for you to apply if you:

  • Are an Australian citizen or holder of a permanent visa; and
  • Are a commencing student in the year the scholarship is to be awarded and;
  • Are currently enrolled full time in Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery and;
  • Require financial assistance to attend university.

The value of the scholarship is $8,000, paid in two equal instalments after census date of study period one and study period two. Please allow up to 6 weeks after census date for payment.

Applications must be submitted on the official application form no later than the date set by the Selection Committee for the year in which the award is to be made. Applicants must submit with the official form, where appropriate:

  • Resume of experiences and community engagement activities;
  • Written statement addressing:
    1. Brief background including your interest in rural, remote and tropical medicine.
    2. How your core values align with Zeep Medical’s values, use examples of your actions and activities where you can:
      1. The principal of ‘people first’
      2. Empowerment – to make the choice that is right choice for you
      3. Transparency – being open and honest
      4. Responsive – being eager to listen and respond quickly
    3. How the scholarship will impact ability to study
  • documented evidence of financial hardship based on your answers in the application questions.
  • any other supporting documentation that would assist the Selection Committee in developing an opinion as to the merit of the application.

Applications submitted without the relevant documentation will not be considered.
The applicant authorises the Selection Committee to make such enquires as to the applicant's good character and suitability to receive the scholarship, which includes authorization for the Selection Committee to examine the applicant's academic record, and seek opinions from relevant members of the academic staff of this University or any other academic institution.

Your application is checked for completeness and eligibility, and you will receive an email confirmation it has been received. After the closing date it will be individually assessed and put forward to a selection committee who will rank your application against others who have applied. Applicants may be required to attend an interview as part of the selection process.


Zeep Medical is the fastest growing medical recruitment company in Australia, specialising in locum and permanent doctor recruitment. Zeep have established this scholarship program with ÑÇÉ«Ó°¿â in line with their increasing corporate social responsibility goals. Zeep believe in empowering doctors to make the right career choices, from graduation through to retirement.

This grant is subject to the provisions of ÑÇÉ«Ó°¿â’s Coursework Scholarships, Bursaries and Grants Policy.

Value and payment of the scholarship

The value of the scholarship is $8,000, paid in two equal instalments after census date of study period one and study period two. Please allow up to 6 weeks after census date for payment.

Eligibility Criteria

The Zeep Medical Scholarship is open for you to apply if you:

  • Are an Australian citizen or holder of a permanent visa; and
  • Are a commencing student in the year the scholarship is to be awarded and;
  • Are currently enrolled full time in Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery and;
  • Require financial assistance to attend university.

Selection Criteria

The Selection Criteria are:

  1. Financial need and impact the award will have on capacity to undertake studies.
  2. Character of the applicant and values alignment with Zeep Medical.
  3. Community contributions or engagement.
  4. Any other criteria that the Selection Committee deems appropriate, including whether the candidate has, or will receive any other scholarship assistance during their studies.

Application Procedures

Applications must be submitted on the official application form no later than the date set by the Selection Committee for the year in which the award is to be made.

Applicants must submit with the official form, where appropriate:

  • Resume of experiences and community engagement activities;
  • Written statement addressing:
    1. Brief background including your interest in rural, remote and tropical medicine.
    2. How your core values align with Zeep Medical’s values, use examples of your actions and activities where you can:
      1. The principal of ‘people first’
      2. Empowerment – to make the choice that is right choice for you
      3. Transparency – being open and honest
      4. Responsive – being eager to listen and respond quickly
    3. How the scholarship will impact ability to study
  • documented evidence of financial hardship; and
  • any other supporting documentation that would assist the Selection Committee in developing an opinion as to the merit of the application.

Applications submitted without the relevant documentation will not be considered.

The applicant authorises the Selection Committee to make such enquiries as to the applicant’s good character and suitability to receive the scholarship, which includes authorisation for the Selection Committee to examine the applicant’s academic record, and seek opinions from relevant members of the academic staff of this University or any other academic institution.

Selection Process

The award of the scholarship will be made in the absolute discretion of the Selection Committee, which shall comprise:

  • Head, Medical Education, or nominee (CHAIR)
  • Founder & Managing Partner, Zeep Medical or nominee
  • Any other members as approved by the Chair or Zeep Medical.
  • **OR a pool of appropriate ÑÇÉ«Ó°¿â representatives

The Selection committee will be responsible for shortlisting and/or interviewing of candidates.

The Selection Committee will determine all matters relating to the selection of the grant awardee.

Ongoing Eligibility

  • The recipient must have a KU grade after SP1.
  • The recipient must continue to be enrolled full time.

Conditions of the Scholarship

  • At the end of the academic year, a written report must be submitted to the scholarships office, the template will be sent to you.
  • If the recipient defers their study, the recipient will no longer be eligible for the award.
  • If the holder of the award takes an official leave of absence the award will be terminated.
  • If the holder of the award does not meet the ongoing eligibility requirements, the recipient is required to submit a statement of reasons to be reviewed by Selection Committee for consideration of scholarship extension. Committee may decide not to extend scholarship. Funder needs to advise how much longer they will fund the student if this occurs.
  • A student may lodge a request for review of decision in accordance with the provisions of the Student Appeals Policy.

Administration of the Scholarship

The scholarship shall be administered by the scholarships office, on behalf of the Selection Committee.

The funds of the grant shall be held in an account in the name of the University and shall be administered by the officer of the University charged with administering the grant.

Where an award provides some benefit to the recipient from a body external to the University, or an obligation upon a body external to the University, the University, its servants and agents, shall not be liable for that benefit or obligation

Please refer to Glossary of Terms.